When a client relies on you for job after job, it’s a big deal.
In the case of our new Costco project Port St. Lucie, Florida, it’s really, really big. How big?
In Phase One of the two-year effort, we’ll build a 565,735 sf depot to serve the Tampa region, slated for completion in December 2025. In Phase Two, a 1,020,000 sf distribution center is due for completion in Fall 2026. All told that adds up to 192 acres of trust.
It’s one of Costco’s largest projects ever. And Kenny Noah, SEI President and CEO couldn’t be more happy.
“Words can’t express how honored we are to be entrusted with something of this scope and importance. Over the years, we’ve worked so hard to be a reliable Costco partner, taking on challenging projects and meeting their very high standards.”
Bryan Weatherford, Project Manager, couldn’t agree more.
“For ten years, SEI has steadily expanded its relationship with Costco. We began with small projects, working our way up to building warehouses. And we’ve taken on some of Costco’s most challenging projects—and consistently delivered, time after time. That’s how you build a relationship.”
The work began with erosion control and grading on April 15. Yet there’s plenty of ground to be covered in the form of 2 million cubic yards to be excavated, imported, and balanced for site. Not only that, but Weatherford and his team will contend with Florida’s notoriously heavy rain events. Yet planning to us is second nature.
“We’ve built from Florida to North Dakota on behalf of Costco,” Weatherford continues. “We do our best to take all the variables into account. The more you map out all the variables ahead of time, the fewer surprises you encounter in the construction process—and the more prepared you are to overcome them.”
As SEI steps up to tackle a project this ambitious, Noah and his team always remember the qualities that got us to this point.
“There’s no such thing as a small job to us. That means keeping laser-focused on details, keeping on schedule, and keeping your word. We do those things every day—and make sure everyone on our team lives those values. Because if you practice what you preach, even the biggest job has a way of taking care of itself.”
Thanks so much to Costco for its continued trust over the years. Port St. Lucie is proof of how, if you keep the client first in everything you do, then your relationship will almost always grow.
It’s not just a warehouse or a manufacturing facility. It’s the beating heart of your business, a place where productivity needs to be built into everything you do. Because these are strategic needs, you need a company that understands its importance and is dedicated to its success. After all, your profitability is at stake.
At Southeast Industrial, warehouses and light manufacturing are in our very name. Because we understand the ins and outs of building a structure that suits your needs perfectly. We ask about the specialized requirements of the building, from refrigeration and machinery to handling trucks and heavy equipment. And we take those requirements into account from the first day onward with quality control that borders on obsessive.
Just as importantly, we know that time is money. So we work to make sure that your structure is up in the shortest span of time. Aggressive schedules don’t bother us. Because we incorporate our own manufacturing principles into every job, using Kaizenand Lean Construction methods. So your project gets built well–without wasted motion or capital.
So if you have a specialized facility in your plans, use a construction firm with specialized skills. And be pleased with what we produce.