James Okey Has Found A Home With Us
You might say that James Okey gets around.
After all, he’s worked on projects everywhere. Japan. Germany. The UK. Mexico. And a lot of other places, too, that are far from Oklahoma he calls home. That’s the construction life. You go where the job takes you.
Today, James is our Site Manager for SEI as we build GFL’s new recycling facility in Apex, North Carolina. All he needs is his 36-foot-long trailer with all the comforts of home. As James puts it, “If you get a big enough one, it has all the amenities of a house. Everything but a dishwasher.”
At the same time, James feels pretty much at home with SEI, too.
“Over the years, I’ve had others tell me about SEI. Now that I’m here, I see what they’re talking about. It’s company that treat you with respect, does what they say, and puts it in writing. It’s just all-around stellar company. I’ve been here since February and I sometimes wonder it it’s too good to be true.”
James puts in long hours as the site manager. But he puts a lot into his other passions, too. Fishing for one, whether on a lake, a stream, or miles from shore. Give him a chance and he’ll brag about the six-foot black-tipped shark he caught. To hear James tell it, it put up quite the fight. And he’s a big Chiefs and Oklahoma State fan. Because while James has been away from his home state for a long time, he still an Oklahoman at heart.
Evidently, the traveling life is something he’s passed on to the next generation. His daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters, travel from job to job as well. Maybe it’s just in the blood.
So, James, welcome aboard SEI. We’re already excited about the great work you do. And we hope you’ve found a home with us for a long time to come.